Friday, January 17, 2014

CRIMINAL MINDS Season 9 - Promotional Cast Photos!!!

NOTE: no photos of Shemar Moore/Derek Morgan have been found. If they show up at a later date, they'll be included in this post, and we'll announce the update through our twitter account (@criminalmindsrt)

SOURCE: ABC Studios/Cliff Lipson © 2013 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.
VIA:  AXN Spain
SPECIAL THANKS: to Criminales VOSE for finding the photos and pointing us in their direction

CRIMINAL MINDS Season 9 - 913. The Road Home - Promo Pictures


Thursday, January 16, 2014

CRIMINAL MINDS Season 9 - Interview with writer Virgil Williams!

by Tari Jordan

Lucky me was able to get the busy-as-all-getout Virgil on the phone for what turned out to be over an hour of back and forth. Find out about the man who's been with our show for the past three years, where his roots are, and what he does when he's not pumping life into our heroes at the BAU!

TJ: We do know you’re a Chicago boy at heart, and that you were a child actor. But let me get this right, were you born in Chicago? And if so, what brought you to the sunny climes of L.A.? Tell us how this part of your life is different than growing up in the Windy City.

VW: Born and raised in Chicago, yes ma'am. The most obvious difference is the weather, out here we are seeing all this about the Polar Vortex and watching football games so yeah, but I miss Chicago every day. I miss taking trains and buses- the weather sounds so cliché but it's a big freakin deal. I miss the city feel, miss walking around, neighborhood bars and restaurants, not that LA doesn't have any of these things, you just have to look a little harder. Don't get me wrong there are so many wonderful things about LA, like we can go to the beach! You can't do that in January in Chicago.

TJ: You're a big boxing and football fan, how do your sports heroes inspire you? Do you have any influential writing heroes, either from literature or the entertainment industry?

VW: Great question, and oh a great many ways. For me Walter Payton and Michael Jordan are in the pantheon of all sports heroes with their work ethic, determination, and grit. Boxing is brutal yet scientific, and it requires intense repetition a lot like writing… athletes talk about 'the zone' and a lot of that relates to writing too…

To Read More:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

CRIMINAL MINDS Season 9 - 913. The Road Home - Promo Videos

CRIMINAL MINDS Season 9 - 912. The Black Queen - Comments Thread

This thread is open for you all to post comments and talk about tonight's new CRIMINAL MINDS episode, titled 'The Black Queen', and written by Breen Frazier.

Hope you've enjoyed today's episode, and remember that next week too there's a new episode!

Monday, January 13, 2014

CRIMINAL MINDS Season 9 - BTS: 916. Gabby

This post may contain spoilers, probably small, but they may be big too; proceed with caution!
This post will be updated when more images of our dear gang are shared from the set.

Tech scout for episode 916. Thomas Gibson directing. - Photo by Harry Bring
Pic from yesterday, #thomasgibson cool dude. Pic in the parking lot. - Photo by Sal C. [fan]
Excited for table read this week. Mark your calendar. Ep. airs 02/26.
Ep. name: Gabby #CriminalMinds  - Photo by Dennis Baker
Fun table read for #CriminalMinds. - Photo by Dennis Baker

[#ThomasGibson on set with guest actor #CeanHuston] - Photo by [Unknown]
Please, if you can point us toward the original posting of this image... we prefer to give credit to their  authors.
SFM and Donnell Turner on set tonight. DT is SM's Photodouble and Standin. - Photo by Harry Bring
The grass is always greener on the Criminal Minds side. - Photo by Krish Ribeiro
Today's office. - Photo by AJ Cook
Think our boy found a new friend today out on location. - Photo by John Hatchitt
Ep 916 written by @JimClemente was one of his last cases. Going to put u on the edge of your seat. Directed by TG.
- Photo by John Hatchitt 
CREEPY!!!! Criminal Minds get's a little TWISTED!!! Derek Morgan dragging DUMMIES out of the river... Just another day at the office... - Photo by Shemar Moore
Need a lil more darkness before we can start this last scene of the day. - Photo by John Hatchitt
At call time yesterday in the desert. - Photo by Harry Bring
Cairo had a tiring day hanging out at the office on Friday. He is five months old today. (And his spots are showing nicely) #eygptianmau #catsofinstagram #catnap - Photo by Dania Bennett
When there are no roads to meet your needs of shooting ! That is when we do Poor Mans Process.
- Photo by John Hatchitt
Photo by Joe Mantegna
And we are about to start our Wed, let's get it done. - Photo by John Hatchitt
Off to location at 3:48pm at 91 degrees. Should be pleasant night work. - Photo by Harry Bring
#workin #hollywood #CriminalMinds #harleydavidsonnation #harleydavidsonnation #harleysofinstagram #HarleyDavidson #ultraclassic #bagger #fleabag #AMF #twincam #evo #Shovelhead #panhead #knucklehead #flathead #Ironhead #carssuck #wintersucks #chopper #bobber #fatty #blahblahblah - Photo by Fleabag
This is what happens every time @joseph17981 "our sound mixer" works past
his bed time. #ournextunsub - Photo by John Hatchitt
Thomas Gibson in the director's chair, pulling double duty, on the set #criminalminds EP#916 w @JimClemente
- Photo by CM_SetReport 
And here we go, off and running around this table to get to the weekend. - Photo by John Hatchitt
Here's TG but that's it. Please don't ask for more...
We have work to do. - Photo by Jim Clemente
And this is how @hhannamourad and myself start our Mondays. - Photo by John Hatchitt
TG giving fleabag the lowdown on just how the cushions on the couch need to be.
Don't think he's listening!! - Photo by John Hatchitt
Game time. Whose office does this couch reside in? - Photo by Krish Ribeiro
Today I got to be a dead body on #CriminalMinds! Here's a sneak peek with story/behind-the-scenes
photos to come! - Photo by Robyn Ross (TVGuide writer)
Awesome day at #criminalminds with A.J. Cook and @robynrosstvg playing dead. #imnottheunsub
- Photo by Joyce Eng (TVGuide writer)
Photo by Krish Ribeiro
A-Camera boyz, @SpiresDarcy, Ryan & Thane waiting for first team. - Photo by John Hatchitt
@CrimMinds_CBS #CriminalMinds on set at Criminal Minds = Agent Canning!!!
- Photo by Jim Clemente
@CrimMinds_CBS Lunch with the Team Leaders... - Photo by Jim Clemente
Scout. #ThomasGibsonBombed - Photo by A.E. Chadwick
