Staff Reports
Posted: 08/22/2011 04:46:52 PM PDT
PASADENA - Shooting for an episode of "Criminal Minds," due to air Oct. 19, closed down the Holly Street Bridge to traffic for several hours Monday. Reportedly the plot involves the mother of a serial killer. Whether that was the woman, dressed in what appeared to be a bridal gown, climbing over the bridge and apparently preparing to jump, was not divulged.
What a beautiful night to be in Laguna for the Pageant of the Masters. This is the perfect setting for a summer night of fun. That some of the cast of Criminal Minds were there for a Meet and Greet made it all the more special. This is the 3rd year that many of them have attended a showing of The Pageant of the Masters but this is the first year that they have had an event of this nature for the fans of Criminal Minds.
When we first arrived we asked where the event was going to take place and the usher just pointed to the very long line. We arrived about an hour before the signing was supposed to take place and there was already a very healthy line. People were excitedly talking about the show, their favorite actors and characters, their favorite episodes. Let me tell you that the line more than doubled after we joined it.
We knew we were getting close when we spotted the show’s Executive Producer Erica Messer standing close by with some of the loved ones of our cast. Erica saw us and came over for a quick hug and a hello. We introduced her to some fans standing with us in line who all told Erica how much they love Criminal Minds. Erica is always so interested in what fans have to say and we love having her at the helm of our favorite show.