Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Criminal Minds: CMRT Visits Behind the Scenes Part 5

We walked down the catwalk from where Hotch's office is to the BAU conference room.

Looking through the door we could see Paget Brewster and Shemar Moore

Talking while waiting for the scene to be set up. We were invited to listen in.

Ed Bernero in the Blackhawks jersey talking to his cast.

Ed is directing this episode

We heard Matthew say he was happy to be wearing his sweater. He felt more like Reid while wearing it.

Everybody out, we're ready to shoot

What a great experience to watch these true professionals at work.

Funny story, when Paget, Matthew and Shemar were gathered outside of the conference room before they made their entrance, we heard Matthew tell Shemar he had been tweeting as fake-Shemar. Shemar laughed so hard. So nice to see for ourselves how close they all seem to be.


  1. Thanks for the pics and the funny story!

  2. where do you go on the chat page

  3. Great Pictures! Great Story! GREAT SHOW!!!!


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