LOS ANGELES (AP) — Blythe Danner and "Criminal Minds" star A.J. Cook will portray widows of American soldiers at the 26th annual PBS National Memorial Day Concert on the Capitol lawn in Washington.
Danner and Cook will tell the story of Taryn Davis, who was 21 when her husband was killed in Iraq. The young woman befriended another widow who lost her husband during the Vietnam War and was inspired to create the American Widow Project, a community for war widows.
Danner and Cook will perform Davis' story as part of the annual tribute to the troops. Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna (mahn-TAYN'-yuh) will host the program, also set to feature performances by Lionel Richie, Brad Paisley and Yolanda Adams.
PBS will broadcast the concert live on May 30.
awww yay AJ and Joe! The Cast that is purdy both inside and out! :)