Wednesday, November 11, 2015

CRIMINAL MINDS Season 11 - 1107. Target Rich - Comments Thread

This thread is open for you all to post comments and talk about tonight's new CRIMINAL MINDS episode, titled 'TARGET RICH', written by JIM CLEMENTE.

Hope you've enjoyed today's episode, and remember that next week we'll have a brand new one!


  1. Hmmm...I have mixed emotions about this episode. I did like the individual storylines. BUT....of course it goes without saying there was too much unsub, who we saw from before the opening credits. I personally didn't see the need for that. If they really wanted to show Bahni's experience as much as they did, Tom could have been in shadows or it could have been filmed from his perspective, because honestly, seeing HIM didn't actually add to the story.

    But it also felt a bit overstuffed and rushed. There were two basic unsub stories running at the same time, and either one of them could have served as their own episode. It just felt all too coincidental that the killer Joy was tracking from NYU also happened to be in the Alexandria area and they just happened to stumble upon him. And it was just so reckless for Joy to be running off to interview Sam at the supposed abduction site and then follow down a dark alley. Her dad works for the BAU. She could have easily just voiced her suspicions that he was a killer and let them do their thing. Or better yet, have the masters of the micro expression explore their suspicions. That storyline and the arrest of Sam just rested on one too many coincidences in my opinion.

    Like I said, the actual cases were actually interesting. I just think some changes in the storytelling choices could have made them more interesting and allowed for a deeper exploration.

    And now we know what the setup is for Reid's absence- his mother's health. Most Reid fans saw this coming as there are only so many ways you could get rid of Reid for a couple episodes. Now it makes me almost certain we won't see Reid in episode eight, because we already know he won't be in nine or 10 (except for the outside possibility of a phone call cameo).

    And I do have to sigh at the prospect that Penelope's computer bot nets are The Dirty Dozen. I assume that means that the hit men are planning an attack on the FBI's servers. I have a couple problems with this. First off, this would be at least the third time her computer networks were attacked, so it feels like it has been done before. Maybe the writers will surprise us and make it new and different, but it has only been six months since we last saw something like this in "Mr. Scratch". And secondly, is this group specifically targeting the BAU's servers, or the FBI in general? Because if it is the FBI in general, they have their own cyber section that is responsible for protecting the FBI's networks, and it wouldn't be Penelope's responsibility, since her job is as a technical analyst for the BAU. I need to reserve some judgment, because I don't see the big picture yet. I am just watching a bit warily at this point.

  2. Loved this epîsode!

    The case had many twists. Yes we saw the unsub early on but that wasn't a problem for me because all the profiling was done by the team. It wasn't unsub show tell us why he does things.

    We had many storylines involving team members, JJ who was back from maternity leave. Love how her desk was decorated with her baby pictures she did send the team. Then we had the Morgan storyline with the killer from the season opener, which looks like there will be some fallout in upcoming episodes. Then there was Rossi's daughter who we did learn she had been a victim of an attack years ago and never did report it and how this shaped her involvement in this case. Reid too had a storyline with his mom getting sicker. Like many have suspected this could lead to MGG missing a few episodes or him being lightly in some episodes. Last, the bomb at the end with Garcia! Did see that one coming! I hope this will continue in next week episode, I want to know what will happen with this!

    Only complain is about Hotch, except for the scene with Rossi at the start everything else was forgetable. As a Hotch fan I am not happy about how lightly TG's character been written lately. Hope this change soon!

    But Jim Clemente did write a great episode and I give this one a 8.5/10 only reason I am not giving a 9.0 or 9.5 is because not much Hotch in this one.

  3. I'm still shaking my head. Because, none of this really made any sense to me from the get go. I kept saying "I'm seeing my favorite characters, but is this really Criminal MInds"? I like twists in the cases, but I felt like I was on German test driving track for new models of BMWs. And again there was too much unsub; and too little Hotch (damn directing thing).

    I really didn't mind seeing Joy again. Joe/Rossi and Amber/Joy had some great scenes together that I enjoyed and the two actors played them very well. I thought the "nearly raped" story was a little over the top. However, I'm a realist; it's a TV show. I feel that comes with the territory. But damn woman, show some smarts! You don't go into an alley against a man; especially one that has a serious height and weigh advantage over you. Unless you're a black belt.

    And I was clueless to Garcia's bomb at the end. Thanks the magical Merlin, I got it explained to me. That said, I'm still trying to make sense of that as well.

    This one needs a definite re-watch before I give my final grade. But for now, it's currently a C-. I respect Jim Clemente like no other; but I'm sorry, I expected more out of this one.

    1. If she was a black belt, she would have been taught to not go into an alley with a strange man that she suspected was a serial killer. One of the first things we learned in martial arts was to avoid getting in to situations where you would need to fight and fighting was pretty much a last resort. The main thing would be incapacitate and get to safety. It was just reckless behavior-- however, I think her emotions were cancelling out her common sense. But, I still give side-eye to the idea that an otherwise intelligent person would be that reckless.

      The Garcia "bomb" at the end was just that for me. It bombed. It made no sense and it only made me roll my eyes and wish they would restore Garcia to the strong character she started out as instead of this infantalized caricature they are shoving at us now.

      I should re-watch, but I have not been able to bring myself to re-watch any of the episodes thus far this season. I just can't seem to get interested enough.

      I think I would give this one a C or B because I did enjoy some of it, but the ending sort of killed it. Also, having technically 3 unsubs sort of ruined it. Too many unsubs, too much unsub, too soon, and still no understanding of the motivation behind their behavior. They just tried to cram too much into one episode.

  4. Ummm...I honestly don't know what to say about it and when that usually happens it doesn't bode well for the episode. If anything, I would agree with Mysocalledcreativelife review. I will admit that I did shake my head at that Garcia is the target. That was so unbelievable to me. And could someone tell me what the heck computer bot nets are? She was being over dramatic that I couldn't understand her.

    1. A botnet is a group of computers connected in a coordinated fashion for differents purposes (spy, researchs., control others pcs...etc Each computer in a botnet is called a bot. FBI CIA and hackers use this tools

  5. This episode to me was very exciting! Its different than most CM episodes, it was the entire season taking a twist, while telling a compelling story with Rossi's daughter, who is awesome. Glenn's directing was flawless as usual, and I don't care the slightest that we saw the unsub because his motivations were explained through the profiling of the team and good storytelling! Every character shined in their own way, and there are many possibilities regarding where the story will go this season.

    I'm thinking (wishfully) that Reid's storyline with his mother is going to lead to us seeing Jane Lynch in the "special" Christmas episode (1110. Future Perfect). Last time a big star was on (Ed Asner) Laura Belsey directed it. It's only my theory though; I could easily be wrong. But this episode was both, entertaining in its own story, and integral to the season. Well done by Jim Clemente! I'd love to see him write more! Looking forward to what will happen next week in Kim's episode with a new director!

    1. I think the showrunner already shot down the idea of Jane Lynch being on the show. The excuse was given before the season even started when she said that Jane would be too busy for them to get on the show. Which is the same excuse they've used for the last several years-- although the last thing Jane said about it on Twitter was that she had not been asked to return.

  6. Matthew likely will not be featured in episodes eight, nine or 10. Matthew fans knew he was not around for the filming windows of episodes nine and 10, and we were in doubt about eight, because we knew he wasn't around for a good bulk of the filming window. Considering they pulled the mom card in episode seven, I really do think Reid is basically going to be MIA for three episodes. I can't see Jane showing up for any future episodes any time soon, because we have already been told she won't be on the episode.

    1. I think Matthew was doing some other projects, it's the reason

    2. Matthew did direct a video for The Killers, but took only a couple days the last week of October. From what I can tell, most of the rest of the time was spent just having fun. I would have a completely different attitude about Matthew's absence if he was working on a movie or something, but I just don't see the evidence for much work.

  7. I thought tonight's episode was incredible!!! Jim Clemente is such an amazing writer. Because he is a former BAU agent he adds a different perspective to the writing! I can't get over how adorable JJ's return was! When Reid ran and picked up JJ! and all the presents and omg don't get me started on the pictures on her desk. TOO cute! I hope Reid's mom is going to be okay. it makes me worried cause they are obviously foreshadowing something! and I loved how JJ was there for Reid. One of the many reasons I love her! This episode had so much I couldn't look away! The scene at the end with JJ and Reid and then when Joy changed her last name to Rossi! The look on his face was priceless. and after that i looked at my phone and saw there was like 5 minutes left and I just knew that something bad was going to happen because it's Criminal Minds. When Garcia revealed she thinks she is the dirty dozen I flipped out! i can't wait to see what happens I'm so nervous though!!! omg such an amazing episode. best of the season so far!!

    1. the Job is my favorite, and this one followed the arc, hope this expands

  8. Disappointing. Jim Clemente threw everything but the kitchen sink into this one and yet it still fell far short in the suspense and excitement department. Joy was better than I expected and I must say JJ looked very pretty with the baby weight - I hope she doesn't go back to being skeletal. I'm so over Garcia and her over-the-top portrayal. Unsub up front again, Hotch disappeared again and a predictable reason why Reid is going to be missing for the next 3 episodes. Like so many others I have been hanging on in recent years partly in hope for the very occasional classic episode but mostly for MGG so as he will be missing for the next few weeks I guess I'll be back for episode 11. Such a shame as Jim Clemente usually writes some of the better episodes. Only a C- for me this week.

    1. I agree with you, Mary. I thought this was beneath Jim. There were some interesting ideas with potential to really captivate an audience but Jim fell short. Too many things were left unexplained. Did we ever get a motive on the guy who was kidnapping the girls? And when his father figures out what he's doing his response is just to kill the girl??? I did like the scenes with Rossi and his daughter in this episode. They seemed more natural together and had some real nice chemistry this time. But she seemed too smart to go into an alley with an unknown guy especially after we learned she'd been attacked earlier in life. That was predictable. You knew she was going to be in danger and you knew her father would be the one to rescue her. I don't begrudge the Rossi character that moment because he often gets passed over but you knew it was coming as soon as you learned that she was involved in investigating the disappearing women. I really dislike that Reid will be missing several episodes. I just hope it was his choice and not something that was forced on him. And I hate that Hotch disappears so often. And now for my biggest peeve, and it's a frequent one these days, GARCIA. She is merely annoying these days and totally unbelievable as someone who has worked with the BAU for over 10 years AND was this fierce underground character The Black Queen, as they tried to put across in a recent season. No way. I detest having her present the cases. I despise the way she can't give them any information without first patting herself on the back for how great she is or reminding everyone how difficult what she does is. How is that helping them solve the case quickly. I once loved her. Now I yell at her to shut up every week. So whatever this dirty dozen thing turns out to be, I will not mind in the least if the outcome is that she is no longer with the BAU. C- pretty much sums up this episode for me, too. How I wish they would return to cases where we don't see everything that happens with the victims and unsubs and the profilers figure it all. That IS the way this show was designed to be. That WAS what made it different from other crime procedurals. For heaven's sake get some writers who get that, who have some criminal background/expertise and who are willing to write for the team as they were established and not come up with silly little things that don't at all mesh with what we have already learned about them over the years.

    2. too bad for you other people love Garcia, this is a show.

    3. Jim is not a trained script writer and I believe he defers a lot to the other writers on the show. He knows what it is like to be in the FBI and do the profiling and he has insights in to the behavior and such, but having that info doesn't always translate into good TV.

      It seems that the target demographic has changed somewhat and they are no longer going for the cerebral stories that make you think. They are going for more gore, action, and shock value. So Jim is being told to aim his stories for a demographic who enjoys those things.

      Plus, the writing has really gone downhill since the best writer got axed. I don't think the current writers are capable of writing the kinds of stories that we got from Andrew Wilder.

  9. good episode, i must say the last scene got me engaged. It looks like the dirty dozen is going to be a great arc. I really hope for. I wish i could see more Hotch and less Rossi and her daughter. Garcia was great

    1. I liked Rossi with his daughter, but the last scene had the opposite effect for me. It made me just wish they would axe Garcia so I wouldn't have to put up with her melodramatic whining and overreacting to every little thing. The whole botnets thing made zero sense (yes, I know what botnets are). I just want to see Garcia behave like an adult instead of a blubbering baby.

  10. good episode, i must say the last scene got me engaged. It looks like the dirty dozen is going to be a great arc. I really hope for. I wish i could see more Hotch and less Rossi and her daughter. Garcia was great

  11. My thoughts on the Episode:

    The opening scene with flashbacks to Montolo was excellent. And the prison scene is well done also… Yes, I think because Morgan is center stage of this entire investigation with Hotch and Garcia knowing and working with him has meaning. We already know from “The Job” that Hotch told Morgan to keep this between them and Garcia. According to Montolo there are 5 ‘hitmen’
    Morgan: Besides you how many are you
    Montolo: Quattro (four)

    So now we know that there aren’t 12 Hitmen, and from the flashback also we can deduce that there are 12 targets (victims)

    Next we move onto JJ’s return. It was very endearing scenes. Cute and cliché and well done. The pictures of AJC’s children being on her desk representing JJ’s children was a nice touch.

    Of course the team looking up to Hotch and Morgan ‘debriefing’ had Rossi saying that rather snidely I thought, and JJ giving a look as if to say “Without the whole team?” Hotch and Morgan are going over what happened in the prison. We find out 1. Montolo's death was by poisoning as well as the guard who was involved being killed execution style (Like a hitman would do) and 2. Morgan informs Hotch that they aren’t looking for a ‘who’ but rather a ‘what’. Definitely with the glances Morgan gives their other teammates I would definitely say that Rossi, Reid, JJ and more than likely Lewis do not know about their search or what happened to Montolo.

    We switch to Rossi and his daughter. And her presenting to her father about the missing women on campus’. That made sense. Rossi going to Hotch made sense. Even seeing the unsub with the victim made sense. So far so good. Great start to the episode.

    Come back from commercial and apparently we’ve jumped into the team looking into this girl's disappearance. Morgan and Reid together is a field pairing I enjoy seeing. Hotch/JJ/Rossi/Garcia going over the information they find via Garcia’s computer’s was nicely done, and adding the bit of ‘doubt’ about the disappearance was also well done. I was glad to see that Rossi took the time after finding out the Bahni’s withdrawal was to be reversed to actually speak with his daughter about being ‘overzealous’. To explain that the ‘hard truths’ about emotion.

    I enjoyed Morgan and Reid profiling Bahni’s room, finding that a friend was with her and tracking down the friend the old fashioned way.

    Of course, the ‘unsub’ Tommy carrying an unconscious body up into the attic right past his father who it turns out didn’t hear anything was right up there with the creation of the platypus as far as Darwinism is concerned. Yes, every victim will remain silent and not try to escape when they come to and find themselves gagged and tied up. (insert heavy sarcasm). (Post 1)

    1. Post 2: Con't

      I did enjoy watching Morgan and Reid walk the friend Patty through the girl’s evening and deducing that Bahni left the party on her own to head back to her dorm. I do think maybe a little too much time was spent on those scenes as by this point I’m watching the clock and realizing that this episode is moving very slow. I liked the video viewing scene and the discovering of what very well could be the unsub. I did like how the scenes with Rossi and Joy were done, I also think that it was too much. We get a glimpse that this whole ‘case’ isn’t just about these missing women but rather about Joy’s past.

      It’s hard for me to really criticize an episode that is well written and well acted. However, we’re now 20 minutes into the episode and we still have no clue about Who the unsub is, why the unsub might have taken these girls. We’ve now got the unsub’s father who seems like a sleaze bag. The ‘son’ just seems like an idiot for keeping this girl in his attic, tied up with a collar and yet she’s not gagged. Hello, can’t she scream? Get her hands out of the duck tape and throw something through the window to get someone's attention? This episode has far too much going on in it already and we’re not even halfway through. Why is this guy doing this? What’s the purpose for chaining her like a dog and with a camera watching her on his smartphone? Sadly these are questions that I don’t feel are answered throughout this episode.

      JJ and Reid at walking the path the victim took and deducing that the unsub took her down the alley started well and I thought ‘Ok now we’re going to get some profiling’, but then we’re thrown with another plot point, something’s bothering Reid and apparently that something is his mother not doing well on her meds. I appreciate Jim Clemente trying to bring back the great friendship between JJ and Reid and to make JJ seem more like JJ of old, but unfortunately for me it was just too much in this episode that already had too much going on. I was happy on the second viewing to see first JJ/Reid come up with some ideas about how the unsub managed to take her without anyone noticing. And back at the BAU we get Morgan/Hotch and Rossi deducing that the unsub had some long term goal for Bahni. And Hotch adding that they have to make this unsub see Bahni as a person leads to the press conference with Rossi and JJ. I enjoyed seeing JJ back to her ‘Media Liasion’ self. The scene with the father and son, and Bahni still silent in the attic was unnecessary. And whoa wait a minute the ‘walk in’ guy from the photo is creepier then the unsub himself. What is this a third possible unsub, someone who’s got something to hide and is trying to insert himself into the investigation? It is clear as day that Rossi and JJ think there’s more to this guy than he’s letting on. More added congestion to this episode. And then we have Joy, going off half cocked to find information about this guy. This episode is full of plot points the answers to which I think got lost in the story telling. And of course, we then get joy being utterly stupid and going to meet this other creep and going into the alley with him. Rossi/JJ to the rescue. As a result of all this we come to find out that Joy is looking into these cases for a reason. She blames herself for that first girl going missing because she was attacked and nearly raped back in 2006 right before the first girl disappeared. Another plot point that muddied the waters of this case. So far there is no clear cut direction this case is going. It is appearing that we have more than one unsub at work here. We have more than one profile at work and yet we still don’t have anything solid to go on.

    2. Post 3: Con't again

      I will say this, though, initially I felt there was too little of Hotch in the episode. There was actually a fair amount of Hotch but what fell short for me was that everything he did was in the confines of the BAU. We saw ‘nothing’ of the great friendship Hotch and Rossi are supposed to have, and that strikes me as ‘odd’ in this a very emotional and personal episode for Rossi. Heck, there is barely any acknowledgment between Hotch and Rossi’s daughter. One would think that for a man who’s supposed to be her father’s best friend Joy would have had at least a personal greeting to Hotch. Nope, we go nothing.

      So we now come to find out that “Tom” the unsub has been following Bahni from his job as a Chinese food delivery man, as he brings her, her favorite Chinese food. Back at the BAU Garcia is searching for vehicles from the surrounding area and their owners, and Reid gives her the parameter’s to search for vehicles that are authorized to be on campus after hours. That leads to the Chinese food delivery guy, who Hotch has Garcia cross reference Bahni’s ordering habits. Bingo! She order’s from that particular place a lot, and the driver is always the same Tom Larson. Ok, we’re getting somewhere. So now we have not two monsters, but three. And Tom here has snapped because abusive dad caused his mother to commit suicide and now is stuck being the caregiver for his and his mother’s abuser. But that doesn’t explain ‘why’ he would take Bahni? He snapped, I get that but what or why did that break make him do what he's doing? And furthermore, why bring in the unsub Sam in the first place? It seems just too coincidental for me that we have one unsub who’s kidnapped a woman in DC, that is remarkably like other kidnappings that started in NYC back in 2006, and now the unsub from those other kidnappings/murders is now in DC at the same time and inserted himself into the investigation? It’s just too much to explain either effectively.

    3. Post 4 - The ending of comments

      The case ends, Tom kills the abusive father, Bahni is safe, and because of probably cause they find the first victim’s necklace in Sam’s place and he’s arrested too. Rossi finds out Joy is using his name on her bylines now. Reid and JJ have a sweet moment and Reid’s calling his mother. Where’s Hotch? Then we go to the ending. Yes, I was caught off guard by this ending to say the least. We see Garcia’s office closed down. And Morgan checking for her, only to find her sitting in the dark in Morgan’s office. Garcia is scared. She’s discovered that someone was ‘counting’ her botnets. ( the linked computer’s covered by proxy servers so no one can find out who she is). Ok, Garcia used 12 bots, Morgan asks, “You’re the dirty dozen?” Garcia nods in affirmative and now Garcia is freaking out. Morgan tries to comfort her, but you can see he’s concerned. This whole Hitman/Dirty Dozen arc just heated up to extreme levels.

      Overall the episode was good. It was well acted, well written and well directed. My biggest problem through all this is that there was just too much crammed into one episode.

      I give this episode a solid B, and 8 out of 10 mostly because of all that was going on the viewer could very easily get confused very quickly, and most viewers aren’t going to go through their DVR recording sequence by sequence trying to figure out what’s going on and why. On first viewing, I would say there could be a lot who got confused and stopped watching the episode because of that.

    4. Thank you for Barb for putting into words what I was feeling. You hit the nail on the head for me. It was too busy.

      I will say I felt the opposite of what you noted in the interaction(s) between Hotch and Joy. When Hotch said, "Joy you were right to bring this to us," I felt that Hotch had met her through her dad and felt comfortable enough to call by her first name. But that's just my feeling.

      Jim Clemente gets a reprieve!! Rockie's final grade: B

    5. Thanks for reminding me that they actually seem to have gotten a warrant to search because they had probable cause. That was a nice bit.

      I tend to agree with your assessments, although I would give B- to C.

      It loses points for that ridiculous ending with Garcia being completely over the top melodramatic. And even though I know what botnets are, it still did not make sense to me.

      There could be other people who use 12 botnets, there could still be 12 of something else, she could be completely wrong and blubbering like a big baby for nothing. It really made me lose interest (not that I had much to begin with) in the whole "dirty dozen" thing.

  12. Umm. Love this show... My absolute fave. But this episode, target rich.... She has her hands taped together with duct tape. Why not chew through it or rip it off with your teeth, undo the collar and find a goddamn weapon! Easy peasy. For a university student she's not too smart. Coulda done a better job here, whoever wrote that in.

    1. Oh and also, the dirty dozen... Garcia doesn't start looking for them until AFTER Morgan tells her what the hitman wrote down! How can her searches be "the dirty dozen" when she hasn't started searching for the dirty dozen yet?!!!

    2. It goes back to the episode The Job when she was using the bot nets to search the dark web for the hit men. They didn't know who it was, but knew it was someone using 12 bit nets to search for them so they gave that unknown person the nick name of the dirty dozen and evidently vowed to find them and kill them. At the prison, Montolo told Morgan, the dirty dozen was a what, not a who, referring to the bots. Garcia figured it out when she went back to review her searches. So, it all actually does me sense. Personally, I loved the episode!

    3. She could have chewed through the duct tape, but IIRC, he put a padlock on the collar so I don't know if she would have been able to get it off. He was watching her so her attempts to get away would be noticed. But I still find it hard to believe she continued to walk around like that in heels instead of trying to take them off.. and how the hell did she go to the bathroom?

      And she picked the wrong moment to try to fight to get away-- especially since she was still on the collar. There were no attempts to talk to the guy or try to find out what he wanted from her-- ok, maybe she was too scared to ask, but you'd think she would try that before attacking him and still being stuck.

  13. people so whiny about Reid missing couple episodes, grow up. He is fantastic yes, but not the show. maybe i'm not so fon of him as so many teens

    1. Ha ha! I'm a long, long way from my teens, as are many Reid fans, but Reid is my favourite character on the show closely followed by Hotch. These two are the main hub of the show for me and many, many others yet lately they have too often been sidelined and now Reid will be missing entirely. I like a show based on interesting and unique characters and clever writing and sadly I think they are gradually dragging the show down to the audience with the lowest common denominator. Now we get too much emphasis on badly done personal stories, we get rarely done continuity, we see the unsubs through every step of the crimes instead of seeing the team on the case, the suspense has disappeared and the profiling is too often brought down to the magic computer. When one of the most interesting characters goes MIA then yes, fans will be upset and I for one have no wish to watch the show without Reid. I feel the show has been dumbed down over recent years quite far enough. I respect that there are people who like a more lightweight, undemanding and more generic procedural but I miss the unique show we used to have that has largely disappeared in this dumbing down process. If this time off was something Matthew negotiated for, for whatever reason, then I am fine with that. If it was instigated by CBS then I am not. I have no wish to watch the show without Reid - that's not whining, that's just me showing how much I dislike the lack of the only character for whom I still hang on to this flagging show by exercising my use of my remote control and watching something else.

    2. Carrroll,

      Here on CMRT all our voices are valid. As are all our opinions. One thing that is also mandatory on this board is that posters not only respect the writer's/cast/crew and those who work so hard to bring this show to us every week, but that posters respect each other.
      That said, I read a couple of your posts and frankly a couple of your posts to other posters seem somewhat belligerent. Telling another poster "To bad for you" or "People are so whiney..." because they've posted their opinion is bordering on what is acceptable on the board.

      It is one thing for a poster to post dislike about a fictitious character and what they like or don't like about that character. It is another thing to for a poster to do that with regard to another poster's opinion of that fictitious character.

    3. don't you think other people (few ) seems to be almost harassment some characters, any opportunity they/she has...her main reason is complain about Garcia, JJ etc

    4. don't you feel other comments are belligerants: they are sking to replace garcia, and even some lady in any opotunity she has saying: garcia is annoy her. Is she/him repeting the cast and crew?

    5. Carrol,

      Here, people can say they like or dislike a character, an episode, they have to say why. No one is allowed to attack cast, crew, writers AND fans. You disagree with some, fine post why and do not attack the person who express an opinion.

      People can say Garcia is annoying, Hotch is not a good leader, that they didn't like an epîsode, do not like the WRITING of a certain writer etc.. If people disagree with the opinion expressed they can reply and say why they disagree. The conversation stays on the show, the writing, the characters and the acting, The conversation never goes on the personal.

      CMRT administrator.

    6. sorry looks very personal when Mary and some other people are commenting about Garcia JJ etc, it sems kust pay attention please

    7. Carroll,

      No there is nothing personal in those post simply because Garcia, JJ are NOT a real people, they are fictional characters.

      This is the end of this. any more post about this will be deleted.

      CMRT admin

  14. teens and olds ladies. Agree lately the show has changed and the first 7th seasons were the best. Nowdays nothing can be done withoung using a pc an internet. So mixing new and old things are great. My favorite characters are Hotch Garcia and Rossi, i even miss Strauss. I prefere not to say who is my least favorite character because i respect the show.
    Garcia was more clever selfconfident and more calm before, in previous seasons,, still like her and i hope to see more of her previous clever being, her witty fun, and perky personality, this is a show, and I enjoy all of this usually don't like cops shows, this is different, i miss more tension and mistery. It's the reason i like the dirty dozen and of course Garcia. Sometimes are Reid who is anormally perfect., still I like him and never complain about it. But if everybody is going to complain i'm free to do it

  15. oops sorry sometimes IS reid

  16. Hope to see lots of Hotch Morgan and Garcia next few weeks. Hopefully also more TEam job including Garcia. the rest f the season

  17. and yes Hotch Reid and Garcia ar genuine and unique characters

  18. Good episode, not the best, but it defends. I think the goal of "Dirty Dozen" is Reid. And it will MGG who leave CM.


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